The On Color Guard Video training series is designed for building skills for contemporary color guard!
Please be advised that in order to keep costs down to make these materials available for copy for your students, On Color Guard is a self-published product. You will receive all materials (videos, practice journals) on a flash drive. Allow this to serve as your master copy for distribution to your students and staff. I give you my permission to use this material for your organization only, and request that you will not put any of this onto social media or distribute to other organizations who have not paid for use of this product. All sales are final.
Four handbooks from which to create class time material, tests, and quizzes, and practice manuals for your students to journal their practice time away from you and learn to evaluate themselves like a judge!
On Color Guard Video Training
On Color Guard Video Training
A video training program that guides student and instructor from the basic skills of flag, rifle, sabre, and movement to advanced levels of equipment and dance. Each of the four volumes comes with a handbook full of vocabulary, illustrations, explanations of judging sheets, as well as a practice journal that can be copied for your students to log their practice times and their progress.
Videos and written materials (handbook and practice journals) sent on USB flash drive.